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A Planetary Array

Before I imaged DSOs, I did planets. Here are a few.

Acquisition Details:

C9.25 @ ~F/27 (3x Celestron X-cel barlow) (around 0.11 arcsec/pixel sampling) QHY5L-II-C @ 600x600 with ~50% peak histogram, recorded with Firecapture. (Jupiter) @480x480 with 70% red channel peak (Mars) ???? for Saturn. (Can't remember sorry) 90s Video for Jupiter and Mars, Saturn had 2 minutes EQ6-R Mount using eqmod.

Processing Details:

Each video stacked in AutoStakkert!3 around 20-30% best of frames. Each stack had wavelets and minor colour and histogram adjustments in Registax6 Then Processed in PI (HT, LHE, Curves) Each image then brought into PS to form this array you see now.
Date Created: 2018-06-04
Date Posted: 2019-05-04